Thursday, March 13, 2008

Thoughts on: "getting ready to sell"

How to sell your home for top dollar…..

Ah... yes... the question that we all want the answer to. What should we do to get ready?

Here is a list:
Feel free to ad you comments....

Start with spring cleaning:
- Remove the clutter
- Repaint – it’s amazing how a fresh coat of paint not only makes your place smell better, but helps with the “wow” factor, (stay away from deep purple and black ;-)
- UN-clutter
- clean, especially the windows and screens
- remove the clutter, oh, I said this already
- Clean up the yard, spruce up the landscaping with fresh flowers, orchids and antheriums are nice
- Don’t forget the light bulbs, replace the burnt out ones, while your at it, clean the fans and light casings of those special little bugs
- clean the kitchen; scrub it, especially the microwave and oven
- buy some “gel gloss” and scrub everything
- organize that medicine cabinet or remove everything from it
- The bath, absolutely no water spots or mold – yuck….
- buy a tube of caulk and use it!
- Those of you with pets, get rid of the odor and the poop
-put your name on the list for a storage place and go month to month with the rental for all the clutter, or donate it! If you haven’t used it its time to say goodbye

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